McTaggart Supports Princes Trust

Over recent years McTaggart Construction has supported the work of the Princes Trust and how it can develop the future of the construction industries workforce.

McTaggart Construction has supported three different Princes Trust Programmes this month on sites in Glasgow and East Kilbride.

Princes Trust Get into Home Building

McTaggart Construction believes work placements are a fantastic way of encouraging young people to experience a live construction site and spark interest in trade industries.

McTaggart Construction has supported the “Get into Homebuilding” programme by providing 8 work placement from the class of 15.

The Mavor Avenue East Kilbride site for Clyde Valley Housing Association provided the ideal opportunity for young people to experience a variety of construction careers.

XL programme

Queens Cross Housing Association Leny Street site provided work placement opportunities with McTaggart Group Company ABN plumbing and Electrical service. Through the support of the site team two young people local to the site were given two weeks work experience one of which has continued his placement throughout the summer prior to enrolling at Kelvin College NPA programme.

Team Programme

A key part of the Princes Trust programme is giving something back to the community.

The McTaggart/ Urban Union site at Laurieston is only a few hundred meters from the Princes Trust headquarters in Glasgow. When the young people contacted McTaggart’s to donate materials for the refurbishment of a children’s play area we were only too happy to assist.

Ross Hammell – Community Benefit Officer

The work of the Princes Trust is invaluable to supporting young people get ready for their working lives. We realise the impact a construction site can have to a community beyond bricks and mortar. McTaggart is keen to encourage and motivate more young people into the industry.

Thomas Walker – Team Leader Princes Trust

Having relationships with Companies like McTaggart’s is invaluable. McTaggart’s Community programme is an example of how a small gesture of time more than money can have a huge impact on the lives of local young people.

McTaggart Group
Tod House, Templand Road,
Dalry, Ayrshire KA24 5EU
01294 832195